Aaron Smith – General Manager – Page 12 – PXI

Aaron Smith - General Manager

March 10, 2023

Want the Ticket to Converting Higher End Buyers? Try Personas

If you are trying to sell costume jewelry and organic smoothies, price and opportunity might motivate customers to purchase spontaneously or switch from a competitor. But if you sell higher-end or more complex products, it often takes a different approach.
February 28, 2023

QR Codes Are Everywhere — For Good Reason!

The global pandemic has had a profound impact on the world of consumer marketing, and one of these impacts has been to bring QR codes more into the mainstream. With consumers increasingly comfortable using QR codes, businesses can confidently leverage this marketing tool, making it more straightforward for customers to gain information, access coupons, and reply to offers.
February 16, 2023

5 Benefits of Having an Up-to-Date Mailing List

Keeping your mailing list up to date is essential for making the most of your marketing dollars. It ensures that your messages arrive in a timely fashion and provides other benefits such as cost savings and better targeting. Let’s look at five benefits of an up-to-date mailing list to motivate you to make this one of your top investments.
April 16, 2021

Have You Considered Retargeting with Print?